Matsushita TX-901ABÂ replacements have been built by DNC since 2003, hence we were the first CNC electronics company to design and build a successful replacement for the Matsushita TX901AB, and which other companies have tried to copy, unsuccessfully.
Keeping true, the framework is identical to the original for the controls it was fitted in Fanuc O-C, 15 controls. DNC have built many incarnations of the DNC90; including a 9″ crt colour version, then a LCD/TFT varient and have moved onto the latest LED technology.
TX901AB equivalent replacement known by our customers and us as the DNC TX9, in stock and carries a 2 year warranty. Fitted with the correct connectors for connecting to your Fanuc CNC and tested on one of our rigs to make sure its plug n play for you.
DNC TX9 LCD monitors are using current technology, not obsolete and deprecated stocks of very early LCD systems which viewable angles and brightness are questionable at best.