Fanuc A06B-6090-H008 ALPHA Servo Amplifier Unit. This C series generation interfacing digital C series interface or via the ALPHA type B interface. Running as its predecessor 6066 series in a backwards compatible manner or within a Fanuc ALPHA Drive system. The SVUC1-130 is a 130 Amp one channel amplifier for large axis control within big CNC machine tools. The single axis ALPHA C Servo was controlled via Fanuc 0-C, 0-D, 16, 18 control systems. This size of ALPHA C Series drove either the model a30/3000 or a40/2000 motors or the original S series motors. D
DNC carry this A06B6090H008 is in stock, warranty is 180 days on exchange and repair. Exchange for speed (delivery same day or the fastest possible route to your factory) and repair if cost is more important than time considerations.