Fanuc A06B-6164-H201#H580 BETA biSVSP 20/20-7.5 Combo Servo and Spindle unit. This combo drive is a 2nd generation BETA combined unit with dual channel small (20 amp) servo channels with a 7.5kW spindle amplifier running from an integrated power supply.
This is the sixth incarnation of the BETA servo generation, and Fanuc FA CNC second effort at a combined multi axis5.5amp servo with integrated 31amp output spindle amp allowing for cheaper automation solution for less demanding machine tools. This SVPM2-7.5i runs with 0i-MD, 0i-MF series controls.
DNC offer several services for the 6164-H201 BiSVSP2-7.5i including testing repair and if in stock exchange. Unit includes power PCB A20B-2101-0440 control board A20B-2101-0710.
The A06B6164H201#H580 is currently in stock. DNC offers same day testing and if possible same day / 24 hour service. The SVPM2-7.5i drives 2 * Fanuc Bis series servo motors and BETA bil6 or bilP8 spindle motor, think Exchange for speed of delivery same day or the fastest possible route to your factory, and repair if cost is more important than time considerations.
Common alarms for this drive consulte our Fanuc BETA iSVSP alarms page.