Fanuc A06B-6064-H322 AC spindle servo unit. This 22S / 30P amp is part of the third generation using serial interface to commmunicate back and forth to the CNC. The drive is normally found on Fanuc 0-C, 0-D, 15, 16 and 18 control systems via fibre optic. The drive has five IGBT transistor modules next to the reactor, capacitors, etc. Above is the wiring board A20B-1004-0740 which has the plastic frame supporting the driver board A20B-2000-0220 and serial control pcb A16B-2201-0440.
This serial amplifier drives either a 22S, or 30P in standard configuration or a high speed model 15S AC spindle motor.
The A06B6064H322#H550 is always in stock. We offer service exchange, 24 hour repair service; as well vaious parts such as the control cards and transistor modules.
If you require immediate exchange contact us for your desired shipping of this part to your facilities. If not so urgent then we can offer a quote upon physical inspection of your AC spindle servo unit. However we can offer repair this spindle drive if time is not such an important consideration.
If you are unsure whether your A06B-6064-H322#H550 drive is indeed faulty; please consult our serial spindle alarm page.
Contact us for more information about exchange, repair or parts for this spindle unit.