FANUC A50L-0001-0449 Transistor module. This specially packaged power transistor is known by Fuji Electric 2MBI400VC-060C-51 and belongs to the VC series of IGBT modules. This transistor is in a 51 series package solely for FANUC. Fitting on various FANUC ai spindle amplifier and power supply modules from H026 size onwards.
Rated at 400amp 600 volt. They were natively coupled with very late 0i-MD/TD controls, normally 31-M, 31-T, 32/35 series systems to name a few.
Features include temperature protection provided by directly detecting the junction temperature of the IGBTs, Low power loss and soft switching, High performance and high reliability IGBT with overheating protection.
Available when stocks permit. Stock for our own repair requirements are first and foremost; assuming surplus then happy to supply.