Fanuc 9 inch CRT/MDI Unit (monochrome). The A02B-0299-C041/T is a MDI panel comprising a 9 inch monochrome CRT monitor (A61L-0001-0093), with 2 sets of keyboards (A86L-0001-0235 0720) and accompanying membranes (A98L-0005-0019#A and A98L-0005-0252).
DNC offers rebuild services on this Daewoo Fanuc i Series MDI/CRT or can supply either exchange or outright (stock permitting) the component parts. From CRT monitor, keyboards or membranes. We’ve even sold a fascia surround in the past to help a customer tidy his machine and flog, etc. Used on the Fanuc 0i-B control systems. We can also test and advise any faults on this CRT/MDI.