Fanuc A61L-0001-0073 monitors have been supplied by us since 1995. This screen is a monochrome 12″ CRT with green phospher on black. Manufactured by Matsushita for the system 3 control systems. This CRT display was fitted on 3M and 3T controls which did not have the 0071 or 0077 series monitors. Warranty is 180 days.
This VDU is supplied strictly on exchange basis. No surplus available. This is the last monitor that we offer exchange service upon due to a lack of reliable supply of other sized CRT tubes. As with all exchange returns the monitor is thoroughly cleaned and the CRT tube binned whether good or bad.
The A61L00010073 monitor chassis is repaired and a new CRT tube is fitted. The monitor is then bench tested for vibration and other issues, then tested on our system 3 series test rigs – which DNC has 2 in the UK alone for at least 48 hours, so that you know the job has been done properly.
Contact us for pricing and availability.