A16B-1211-0945 Fanuc I-O board is a non-surface mount version of the full spec D series input output for the Fanuc 0-C control. Also known as the GE Fanuc this board is D7 DI/DO 104/72 card and was fitted with late generation 0C controls, normally with digital interfacing to the drive systems.
DNC have supported the Zero series since the mid 1990’s. Further we have built our own custom I/O board testing systems for nearly all Fanuc 0 series I/O boards. Allowing us to test all inputs and outputs on A, B, C and D series input output cards for ZERO controls.
Systems fitted with this PCB include 0-MC, 0-TC, O-TTC, 0-MD, 0-TD. DNC offer a full service for the A16B12110945 IO board, including iexchange to save time, same day testing and quick repair. However we would recommend exchange if you know your Fanuc D7 I/O pcb is faulty. Call for details on prices, shipping options and testing.