Fanuc A16B-1010-0200 Series 11 Master PCB is the first version of the digital 11 main boards. The system designation is Fanuc 11MF, 11TF, and come with the facilities to use peripheral axis cards indexed into the digital drive control feedback that this 11 control system facilitates. This board is the last Fanuc 11 control board and is digital with basic 9 inch mono graphics, 12 inch and 14 inch colour monitors dependent on whether level of graphics processor is utilised. This board comes with fibre optic FO link to the input output system and/or the graphics board. Thou still still using the the older bubble memory system ranging from 128Kb to 2MB (Fanuc bubble memory boards available). FAPT and memory boards can be fitted, peripheral plug in I/O and external input output boards are also available if the A16B-1010-0200 is not the problem. DNC offer a variety of services for the A16B10100200 Call for Prices.