Fanuc A98L-0001-0633#TBR Keysheet. This 47 key TEXT ENG Fanuc membrane has black, white, grey and yellow (instead of white, blue, red and green) for large 0-T controlled machines with at least 4 axis, plus spindle, for control system FS0-T operator panels, including systems 0-TC, 0-TD, 0-TF. This T designation is for multi axis machine operator control, with at least 4 axes, X Y Z 4th and an option for a 5th for lathes, etc with 0 series controls. This membrane protects keyboards such as the A86L-0001-0151 which is currently in stock.
DNC offers immediate shipping services for the A98L00010633#TBR to your machine in need with the quickest means possible, or the cheapest – which ever is important to you.