Fanuc A16B-3200-0325 Control. This Fanuc main board is the cornerstone to any series 18i / 180i model A system. Whether its badged as a 18i-MA, 18i-TA, 180i-MA, 180i-TA many other varients. Normally this main PCB is fitted in a seperate case either a multitude of options with its own version of CPU processor, FSSB driver and graphics. Found in many systems such as A02B-0266-B503; starting with the designation A02B-0266-Bxxx.
Note: This board is supplied with NO addtional plugin PCBs. If you do require the control system PCB A16B32000325 then contact us to go through all the options. For more information on alarms please go to our FANUC ALARM CODE page.