Fanuc A02B-0166-B531 Control. This later version GE Fanuc series Power Mate-Model D is the complete CNC control system which includes the A20B-1004-0960 power supply unit. DNC do offer support for Power Mate D.
The part number A02B0166B531 is a generic part number with the main PCB A20B-2100-0160 featuring in-built 2 channel servo control and scale feedback for machines. The later version has a RAM and serial spindle control SMD such as the A20B-2902-0225.
Normally they have the same CRT graphics controller A20B-2901-0480 and PMC ladder card A20B-2901-0660.
Lastly there are variations for this control with the type of I/O system. Simpler versions relied on the I/O link, with later versions fitted with A20B-2001-0902 or A20B-2100-0120 with A20B-8001-0500 profibus sub PCB.